HOME XXXV International Symposium
on Multiparticle Dynamics 2005


Instructions for authors:

The proceedings will be published in 6x9 inch format printed version of AIP Proceedings. While AIP generally needs a hard copy of the final manuscript, electronic submission of the final papers is strongly encouraged, particularly since this results in a much higher quality for the final proceedings volume. We can accept electronic files in either PDF or PS formats and often MS Word files as well.

To facilitate the editting procedure, the authors are kindly asked to provide also the source files (Latex and graphics ).

Each paper must be submitted together with a signed Transfer of Copyright form http://proceedings.aip.org/proceedings/tca_blank.pdf as well as all necessary permissions http://proceedings.aip.org/proceedings/permission.pdf for material taken from other sources.

Papers in electronic format (talks - max. 6 pages) have to be send to e-mail ismd_proc@ipnp.troja.mff.cuni.cz or upload on web page http://www.particle.cz/conferences/ismd2005/proceedings not later than 1 October 2005

!!! IMPORTANT !!! If you upload your contribution via web page, please pack all files into one and name it suitably (for example, 'ismd2005_name.tar.gz').

The instruction booklet for authors as well as Microsoft Word templates and LaTeX classes are available on our website at http://proceedings.aip.org/proceedings/6x9.jsp . They can be downloaded and will aid the authors in the preparation of their papers in uniform format. Please be sure to download all templates and instructions for the format you selected, which is the 6x9 inch format.

Editors: V. Šimák, Š. Todorova, M. Šumbera, B. Tomášik, A. Valkárová